
A documentary photographer requires 3 key skills – the ability to research the subject, excellent communication skills to solicit cooperation and finally a mix of imagination, artistic and technical ability to make the subject visually spectacular. This page includes 4 projects:

 HMS Caroline – I was commissioned to photograph HMS Caroline during the period when a new use for the ship was being considered after the Royal Navy decommissioned her. I am happy to say that this historically important ship, the sole surviving vessel from the Battle of Jutland and the first ship from which the Royal Navy launched an aircraft (leading to the development of aircraft carriers), has been saved and is now a visitor attraction in Belfast.

Belfast – I shot this series of images over a long period for use in large format panels, the older ones have captured views which no longer exist. These can be seen in board rooms, hotels, restaurants, pubs, offices, private homes and many other locations both in Northern Ireland and further afield. I am delighted to have been able to preserve some of the history of my home town for future generations and continue to add to this collection.

SS Nomadic – I photographed every stage the restoration of SS Nomadic from day 1 following her return to Belfast after being rescued in a derelict state from the River Siene. The images were exhibited on Nomadic and in Belfast City Hall during the restoration to raise awareness and attract the commercial support on which the project relied. Nomadic is the only surviving vessel from the White Star Line and is now a popular visitor attraction in her birthplace of Belfast.

BBC70 – I was commissioned to produce a print exhibition to celebrate BBC Northern Ireland’s 70th anniversary.The images were first exhibited in BBC NI before touring other BBC regions and now form part of the BBC’s national archive.


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