About Us

I knew photography would be my career since I was 14 and I left school at 18 driving a car which was bought with money earned behind the lens to start an apprenticeship in Belfast based studio ‘Advertising Photography’. We shot work for banks, government agencies, retailers, manufacturers and the food and beverage industries. I loved it! My parents had hoped I would follow my Father into engineering so it was with some relief, shortly after completing my apprenticeship, that I landed the newly vacant position of Production Manager and it all started to look like a proper career to my folks. I took the decision to become self-employed in 1993 and continue to make my living as a photographer to this day, my work in recent years being for a mix of advertising and corporate/industrial clients with a growing trend towards moving images in the latter.

I work in a number of areas including:

Commercial photography and industrial work for clients who need to project a first class image for their businesses through annual reports, investor relations brochures and corporate responsibility activities.

Architectural photography for designers, architects and the owners of beautiful buildings.
Product photography for advertising clients.
Retail photography for shop owners and designers.

These relationships depend heavily on a customer focussed approach with delivery on time and to budget. Recent highlights have included:

Being commissioned to produce a 50 print exhibition to celebrate BBC NI’s 70th anniversary in Broadcast House on Ormeau Avenue.
Photographing the restoration process of SS Nomadic and producing 3 exhibitions for DSD from this work. Two of these were displayed in Belfast City Hall’s beautiful east entrance, one year apart to show progress on the ship’s restoration and the final one was aboard the Nomadic during her final stages of completion.

Developing the business to include moving image and 360 product photography.
Seeing my photograph of Belfast Harbour Office used to wrap scaffolding that surrounded the entire building during maintenance work – my biggest print to date.
Continuing to sell my Shipyard Carnage image, taken on the last roll of film I used before my workflow became exclusively digital, with sales having passed £25,000 this is my best selling image.
As well as being one of only two professionals rediding in Northern Ireland that are accredited by the Association of Photographers I have vast experience in aerial, maritime and automotive projects and can call on a huge resource of models, make-up artists, studio assistants, set builders, prop makers, pilots, drivers, safety / security experts as and when required.


I like to think my service goes beyond what’s expect from most Commercial Photographers, clients know me as a facilitator, enabler, creative thinker and someone who gets the best possible job done, no matter what it takes. I love thinking my way round a problem and delivering unique, cost effective solutions. As well as being one of only two professionals in Northern Ireland accredited by the Association of Photographers I have over 3 decades of experience and can call on a huge resource of models, make-up artists, studio assistants, set builders, prop makers, pilots, drivers, safety / security experts as and when required.

In short, I am one of the most resourceful and experienced photographers Northern Ireland has to offer, you can read what my clients say at the bottom of this page.


In 2015 I was elected to the Association of Photographers Board of Directors where I served for 6 years alongside other Member and Independent Directors to help the Association in its continued quest to promote, protect and fight for the rights of photographers. The Association’s work includes submitting to Government consultations on changes to copyright legislation; participating in the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) governmental working groups; working closely with other visual arts organisations; and being part of the British Photographic Council and British Copyright Council.

I also served for 5 years on the Federation of Small Businesses’ Belfast City Branch Committee which involved planning forthcoming branch activities including educational and networking events. Our work also supported the FSB’s ongoing membership drive and efforts to ensure that the needs of small to medium sized businesses are reflected in public decision making processes at both council and government levels.

Outside work I previously served as Chairman of the Ulster Automobile Club where my role included organisational and financial responsibilities for the Circuit of Ireland International Rally (the world’s second oldest surviving rally with roots dating back to 1931) and Craigantlet Hillclimb (a round of the British Hillclimb Championship).


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